Von New York nach Buffalo


Das folgende Mail erreichte die HOB-Info-Redaktion.

Absender sind die USA-Austauschschüler, die sich zur Zeit in New York aufhalten:

"For two days we have been in NY. Its the Big Apple in all senses.

We visited the P. Guggenheim museum and were impressed by its architecture.

exhibit...... zaha hadid, metropolitan museum,statue of liberty


This evening we want to climb the Empire State Building :-)

tHE food in the aeroplane was excellent only mrs. teutsch didnt enjoy her soup or did she?

Youd better ask her ............

cheers from all of us"


Two days ago (Wednesday, 27th September) we, the Italian exchange students, flew from New York City to Buffalo. When we arrived more than half an hour delayed, our host students from Amherst were already waiting for us. It was evening and so we went with our host students to their home. The people who live in Amherst are very nice and friendly. On Thursday we went the first time to school, which is very different to the Italian school. In the Amherst Central High School everybody knows everyone. You can choose the subjects you want to attend and you have free-period-hours. We think this school is a bit easier and more relaxed than our one. On Friday we went to school for two hours and then we went to an art museum in Buffalo.The night most exchange students went to play the game Lasertron. It`s a cool shooting game. On Saturday we are going to watch an ice-hockey game.....




Sommeröffnungszeiten des Sekretariats:

Juli und August   

Mo - Fr von 8.00 – 12.00 Uhr 


WFO - Heinrich Kunter
Guntschnastr. 1 - 39100 Bozen
Tel 0471 281054
Außensitz: Cadornastr. 12a
Tel 0471 261065
Steuernr. 8000 244 0214

Öffnungszeiten Sekretariat:
MO - FR:  8:00 - 10:45 Uhr
an Schultagen: 14:30 - 16:00 Uhr

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relaxed   evening   Thursday   waiting   museum   nice   friendly   with   think   were   York   days   people   very   have   easier   host   Amherst   from   attend   school   Buffalo.The   then   game   Italian   shooting   Friday   most   first   their   cool   already   home   going   free-period-hours   play   this   watch   more   Saturday   live   than   want   exchange   students   Lasertron   subjects   time   went   Buffalo  

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