Manuels Zeit in Australien geht zu Ende


Mehr als 4 Monate lang besuchte Manuel Bergamo (im Bild rechts) von der 4 B-WS eine Schule in Sydney. Langsam geht der Australien-Aufenthalt für den WFO-Schüler nun zu Ende. Im Juni wird er wieder in Bozen erwartet. Auf berichtet Manuel von seinen aufregenden Erlebnissen "Down under".


G’day from Sydney,

On the 30th of January I started my exchange experience heading Down under. After more than 21 hours of flying, a couple of exchange students and I landed in Sydney, Australia. As we stepped out of the airplane, we could feel the antipodean heat just burning our skin. For the next few days my new friends and I explored the harbour city and all tourist sights. After our stay in the city, we all said our goodbyes and went to meet our host families.

My host family consisting of my host dad Mike, my host mum Trish and my two host siblings Rose and George. My host dad and siblings are part of a surf lifesaving club. As such my first two months were spent getting to know Sydney beaches, including surfing, doing surf patrol at Maroubra beach, and learning to enjoy the ocean alongside many marine animals including stingrays, blue bottles, jelly fish and wobbegong shark.

Something I really noticed about living in a big city is the melting pot of cultures and the amazing variety of cuisine. During my stay I have been fortunate enough to taste sensations including Bahn Mi, emperors’ puffs, ramen, rendang, Kamel burger, vegemite, kangaroo and emu Pizza, Fairy bread, and raisin toast.

Australian school life differs to that in Italy in different ways, like all Australian students I must wear a school uniform each day, including a tie. Some of the things I really appreciated about my senior schools here is that the teachers have a more casual relationship to the students, more like I expect university to be.

In conclusion I have found that my life here is quite different to the one I knew 4 months ago, and I have embraced the laid back aussie lifestyle.

Manuel Bergamo











WFO - Heinrich Kunter
Guntschnastr. 1 - 39100 Bozen
Tel 0471 281054
Außensitz: Cadornastr. 12a
Tel 0471 261065
Steuernr. 8000 244 0214

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MO - FR:  8:00 - 10:45 Uhr
an Schultagen: 14:30 - 16:00 Uhr

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