Die WFO-ler grüßen aus New York Gleich zum Auftakt ihrer dreiwöchigen Reise stand für die zwölf Austauschschüler der WFO Bozen (im Bild) und Prof. Marlies Raifer das große Highlight der Fahrt an: Sie besuchten die Metropole New York. Vier Tage lange konnten sie unzählige Sehenswürdigkeiten der Millionenstadt besichtigen, dazu stand auch viel Spaß und Unterhaltung an. Nun fahren die WFO-ler in Richtung Buffalo, wo sie die nächsten Wochen an der Amherst High School verbringen werden. In New York konnten sich die Handelsoberschüler auch über einen unerwarteten Besuch freuen: Victoria von Klebelsberg, die bis Weihnachten an einer Schule im Bundesstaat New York (in Germantown, einer Stadt rund 60 km nördlich der Metropole) eingeschrieben ist, gesellte sich zu den Schülern aus Südtirol dazu. Gemeinsam wurde groß gefeiert. Austauschschülerin Victoria von Klebelsberg (Bildmitte) streifte mit der WFO-Truppe durch "Big Apple". Alex Paller and Christian Firler What a day: on Sunday we met in front of our school and went to Munich by bus arriving at the airport a bit late. We had no idea how to check in and so we ended up rushing from the check-in area to the gate. We almost missed the plane. The flight was pretty long but we could watch movies so it went by rather quickly. Arrived in Newark Airport, we were picked up by a shuttle witch took us to our hostel in Manhattan. The day ended with some burgers and fries at McDonalds. On our first day in NYC we had a full agenda. We went to Times Square, caught a hp-on off sightseeing bus trough downtown NY and we went to Ground Zero. We also visited Wall Street, the 9/11 Memorial Museum and Brooklyn Bridge. Absolutely stunning! Our second day in NYC. It was so exciting. In the morning it was raining so we decided to change our plans and went to the Apple Store. Right after that we visited Trump Tower, St. Patrick's Cathedral and the Rockefeller Center. On our way to to Macy's, one of the largest US department stores, there was a thunderstorm with pretty much rain. We were forced to go back to our hostel. In the afternoon we eventually could go to Macy's and at 7 pm we attended the musical "School of Rock" at Broadway. The musical was absolutely mindblowing, we were all so impressed. We passed through Times Square, a major center for tourism, show and business and commerce, and we walked back to our hostel.