USE - United Schools of Europe


USE (United Schools of Europe) Magazine has been published for some years by different European schools from Germany, Italy, Greece, Bulgaria and the Netherlands.
The idea is to write a magazine on a specific topic and involve students from different countries.

Since the beginning of this school year our school has been a USE partner. Some students of our school wrote articles for USE issue 37 about the topic The Third World and Charity. Issue 38 , which was published recently, was edited by the Wilma-Rudolph-Oberschule, Berlin.


An issue is usually edited by one school, and it will be our turn next time! Class 3A WI is going to edit ISSUE 38 “How we communicate” . In a project week in February the class is going to post the magazine on the Internet.

Download: 3a_wi_0506.jpgMagazine37.pdf Magazine37.pdf (9.01 MB)


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