Amherst grüßt HOB


Zwei weitere Emails der USA-Austauschschüler erreichten die HOB-Info-Redaktion.

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Hey guys,

How are you? We are fine and having a lot of fun. We met a lot of people at school. They are so nice and friendly. They are very open and welcoming.

First it was a little difficult to understand them, but now it is easier.

We were at Toronto, a very nice city in Canada. We went to the famous science museum of Toronto and saw very interesting experiments and exhibits.

The museum was very huge, like everything in America. After the museum we were driven to the big shopping mall, which has four floors. It was a very exciting trip, even though the weather was bad.

On Friday we were at a slumber party in John’s house far away in the mountains, called Ellicottville. It was soooooo funny.

And now we are looking forward to the homecoming week and especially the Toga- Day.

Greetings from Amherst


Julia Burger und Simone Teutsch


Hey guys! How are you there in South Tyrol? We are very sad cause we have to leave Amherst and our host families tomorrow morning. We think there will be a lot of big tears at the airport... The time we spent here was so amazing and we don't really want to go... The lasttwo and a halfweeks were so exciting, we did a lot of things here like the trip to Toronto (Canada), we saw the Niagara Falls, we visited the Court in Buffalo, we went to visit the Historical Museum in Buffalo and the Knox Albright Art Gallery and we did many other things with our host students. They took us to the midnight bowling, to the 'Lasertron', which is a gamewere youtag others withlasers, we also wentto the Haunted Hayride, to a NHL hockey game in Buffalo, to the cinema, to a musical and of course, we did a lot of shopping and hadso much fun together. So, who wants to go back home?!? I think we all learned much more about the American culture and thereal way of living here and we reallylike it. And last but not least I think we allenjoyed the American food. It's so good, even if it's a bit fat... =)We'll miss the time we spent here in Amherst a lot and also our new American friends. But in February they will come to Bozen tovisitus, so we'll see them again in a couple of months! We can't wait to welcome them there...So, finally we can say that this was a very very nice experience that we won't forget for the rest of our life and we are so happy to have taken it... That's all for now...

Bye guys!

Patrizia, Alexander


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