Manuelas Jahr in Idaho geht zu Ende


I'll be back soon, as most of you know!  
The ‘city of Kimberly' is the Town I've been living in for the last 10 months. A friend of mine took this picture while we where on our way to our Graduation Ceremony.


Hey Hobler and everyone reading this!!!

My exchange year is coming to an end. It was an amazing and unbelievable experience that I will never forget in my entire life! I made some amazing fiends, had an awesome host family, made unbelievable experiences and learned many different things and even graduated high school on Tuesday.

I hope I can give you an insight with following pictures. They will show you some of my experiences here in the United States, my awesome friends and the many Moments that I will never ever forget in my entire Life!


This picture was taken right before we graduated. We all wore red shoes to match our school colors white, black, and red.

This shows my awesome friend Alley and me waiting for her to get her tattoo. On one of our many trips to Boise, the capital of Idaho, she decided spontaneously to get a tattoo. It turned out really well. It means peace and love in Arabic.

Me, trying to sneak Silly-String into the ceremony. 
As the Principal announces us as the class of 2008, the whole class got out these aerosol cans and we got berried under many layers of the flexible, brightly-colored plastic strings.



This is some of us at one of the many basketball games we went to, to cheer on our school. In America sports are a very important part of the school life. It seems like sometimes sports are more important than education. Many of my friends got Scholarships for all kinds of sports: Football, Basketball, Baseball, Volleyball, Track, Golf and Wrestling. 
Hailey, Shiley and I on our sushi-night. Once every month we get together to make sushi rolls. They are delicious.
My friend Alley and I on Valentines-day. 
And of course PROM. It is a big deal here in America. All the girls and guys get dressed up after they spent their special day with the Date and Prom group. The first two pictures show my prom group at the dinner before the dance. The second one shows Eric and me in the nearby canyon. It was a beautiful and magical night.

I hope I gave you some good insights of my year here in the United States.

In case someone has questions about my experience, or is interested to make a exchange year themselves, don't hesitate to ask. I recommend it to EVERYONE. It is absolutely worth it. You don't get any other chances to spend a whole year as an American teenage high-school student. It will change your life.

Dear Hobler, I will see you soon!!!

Peace out



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