Im Zeichen von Indien


Ganz im Zeichen von Indien standen die letzten Tage in der 5 B-WS. Die Maturanten der Französischklasse beschäftigten sich intensiv mit dem Riesenland (1.406 Millionen Einwohner, nur China ist mit 1.439 Millionen etwas größer), u.a. lernte man indische Kleidung, indisches Essen und das Cricket-Spiel besser kennen. Im Bild Irene Prünster, Tobias Vieider und Martina Perri im Schulhof des Hauptsitzes. Betreut wurden die Schülerinnen und Schüler von Prof. Sandra Campisi.


Exploring the Indian culture

India is known as one of the most diverse countries in the world – be it religions, civilizations or languages. The country is home to 1.4 billion people, ranking it in second place in countries by population, just behind China. To give some perspective, India is about 11 times larger than Italy.

During the course of this past year, Ms. Campisi alongside the 5 B-WS, have covered all of the most important facts regarding India. We learned about the country’s interesting history, its geography and the political and economic situation. The main focus, however, was laid on India’s culture.

From well-known sights like the Taj Mahal to famous personalities such as Mahatma Gandhi, India really has a lot to offer. This cultural mix has spread to the ways in which our lessons were held – instead of sitting in the classroom, we went outside to play cricket, the most famous sport in all of India. We watched a movie and several interviews, while also preparing presentations.

Furthermore, we even ordered Indian food and enjoyed it together in the school yard before trying on traditional Indian clothing, making it a memorable day and fun experience.

A country like India is definitely worth exploring and by learning about its culture, one can merely broaden his own horizon.

Tobias Vieider













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