Trip to Dublin, Ireland 3A-WS and 3B-WS


Die beiden Klassen 3A-WS und 3B-WS durften heuer im Rahmen der Sprachreisen einige Tage nach Dublin fahren, der Hauptstadt Irlands.

Die Schüler:innen Judith Unterhofer und Greta D'Amico (beide 3B-WS):

"We left Bolzano on the 5th of May at 4 am and took the flight from Bergamo to Dublin. In Dublin we all stayed with families and spent the first day getting to know them.


In the mornings we went to school. We were divided by English level and were put in different classes where we met people from all over the world. Our English classes were really interesting, and we learnt a lot in a few days.


In the afternoons we had some free hours to roam freely around the city of Dublin and explore some interesting places and shops. Once we took an Irish dance and folk music class, we went bowling and twice visited some seaside towns: one day we hiked the cliffs above Howth (north of Dublin) and on another day we took the train south and enjoyed the beaches of Bray, where we enjoyed the good weather and the landscape.


The families looked after us very well, some of us made friends for life!


Altogether it was a memorable cultural experience - the Irish sandwiches, the fish and chips, the Irish youngsters, the double-deckers and the kind bus drivers, driving on the left hand side, the French students we met at the dance, the international flair of the English school, the beautiful weather, … and, last but not least, the pub experience.



Thank you Ireland (a special thanks to Jamie - our host father) <3"



Sommeröffnungszeiten des Sekretariats:

Juli und August   

Mo - Fr von 8.00 – 12.00 Uhr 


WFO - Heinrich Kunter
Guntschnastr. 1 - 39100 Bozen
Tel 0471 281054
Außensitz: Cadornastr. 12a
Tel 0471 261065
Steuernr. 8000 244 0214

Öffnungszeiten Sekretariat:
MO - FR:  8:00 - 10:45 Uhr
an Schultagen: 14:30 - 16:00 Uhr

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