"Hello from the USA"

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Zum ersten Mal seit 2020 findet heuer wieder unser traditioneller Schüleraustausch mit Amherst (NY) in den USA statt. Am Mittwoch, den 20.09.2023, reiste eine 12 köpfige Schülergruppe in Begleitung von Prof. Elisabeth Medici in die USA und verbrachte vier Tage in New York City, bevor es dann weiterging -  nach Amherst zu ihren Gastfamilien.
Die Schüler*innen schildern ihre ersten Eindrücke:


"It's amazing! When we first arrived in New York we were welcomed by the best weather. We were overwhelmed by our first impressions. There were crazy artists, huge billboards, crowds, loud sounds, bright and colourful lights, broad streets and high buildings: a multi-sensory and amazing atmosphere!

The following days we visited the Memorial Museum of 9/11, which was an intense and emotional experience. After crossing Brooklyn Bridge on foot, we strolled through lively and lovely Little Italy and Chinatown. We admired the beautiful and modern art in MOMA Museum. A bike ride through Central Park felt so relaxing after the hustle and bustle of our long walks in Manhattan! But the stunning sunset on top of the Empire state Building made us feel in awe, so we waited for the darkness to show us NYC in an ocean of lights.

The rain and wind gusts didn't stop us from experiencing our urban adventure on our last day. We took the ferry to Liberty Island and visited Ellis Island, where we learnt about the history of the American immigrants. Our last evening was another highlight filled with joy and laughter as we saw a live stand-up comedy show.

Now we are in Amherst, where we were heartily and warmly welcomed by our host families on our arrival."

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WFO - Heinrich Kunter
Guntschnastr. 1 - 39100 Bozen
Tel 0471 281054
Außensitz: Cadornastr. 12a
Tel 0471 261065
Steuernr. 8000 244 0214

Öffnungszeiten Sekretariat:
MO - FR:  8:00 - 12:30 Uhr
an Schultagen:
MO - DO: 14:30 - 16:00 Uhr

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