Venedig ein unvergessliches Erlebnis


Aufregende und anstrengende erste Tage haben die US-Gastschüler der Amherst High School hinter sich. Die von Sean Tanner begleitete Gruppe erkundete die Altstadt von Bozen,  war im Unterricht an der WFO zu Gast und hat Ausflüge nach Nordtirol und Venedig durchgeführt. Über die Begeisterung der jungen US-Schüler berichtet Sean Tanner auf Im Bild die Schülerinnen und Schüler aus Buffalo mit ihren Südtiroler Partnerschülern vor dem Markusdom in Venedig.

Our stay in Bolzano started out with a wonderful greeting when we arrived at the train station on Saturday. All of the Italian students and their families were there to greet us and make us feel welcome.

The following days were spent getting settled and exploring Bolzano and the surrounding areas. The beauty of the mountains and natural landscape has left us in awe.

On Monday, Principle Troger and the Italian students greeted us with a wonderful welcome breakfast before guiding us on a walking tour of the city of Bolzano.

Tuesday was spent in Innsbruck exploring the Swarovski museum and enjoying a guided tour of the heart of the city. We were fortunate to avoid the worst of the weather (although it was quite cold there) before returning back to Bolzano in the evening.

Wednesday was the first day the American students presented on the life of a student in Buffalo, NY. All students were engaged in conversation and many questions were asked about what it was like to live in America. The American students then had a nice visit to the Natural History Museum where they received an interactive guided tour of the Lunar Landings exhibit.

Thursday was a really special treat as both the American and Italian students took a day trip to the enchanting city that is Venice. We saw many spectacular and unique things such as St. Marks Basilica, the Rialto Bridge, and the Bridge of Sighs. The floating city, which seems to be a museum all on its own, provided a wealth of culture for our students and the experience was certainly once in a lifetime.

We thank all of Bolzano, but especially our host families and Professor Pichler for their wonderful hospitality and for making our stay here feel like home.

Sean Tanner









