Von New York nach Buffalo


Aufregende Tage haben die Schülerinnen und Schüler des US-Austauschprogramms hinter sich. Begleitet von Prof. Gerhard Pichler erkundeten die WFO-ler einige Tag lang New York, wobei die großen Highligts der Metropole wie Freiheitsstatue, Ground Zero, Rockefeller Center, Brooklyn Bridge, Guggenheim Museum usw. nicht fehlen durften. Überwältigt von den Eindrücken der Riesenstadt geht es nun weiter in das etwas gemächlichere Buffalo (Bundesstaat New York), wo die Schüler zwei Wochen lang den Unterricht an der Amherst High School besuchen werden. Am Schluss der US-Reise steht dann noch ein Besuch der Hauptstadt Washington an. Im Bild die Schüler am Times Sqare.

We are all having a great time. Each of the students seems to be a superstar with the priceless ability to make people feel comfortable around them: they are all friendly and polite, interested and respectful. It is a pleasure to travel with such a wonderful group.

On day one we boarded a sightsseing bus touring Downtown from Times Square passing the Rockefeller Center on Fifth Avenue and Macy‘s, Washington Square Park and City Hall, Battery Park to the Garment District spotting the famous High Line.

On day two we took the subway to the financial district exploring Ground Zero and Wall Street, then took the ferry to Staten Island passing the iconic Liberty Statue. Next we were heading towards Chinatown, had some scrumptious street food and walked across the well-known Brooklyn Bridge.

Another must that day was the historic NYC landmark Grand Central Station.

Yesterday we went to the famous Guggenheim Museum with its renowned permanent collection and special exhibitions. Walking through Central Park was another highlight.
Most impressive was the Vessel part of the Hudson Yards Redevelopment Project. Tonight we are going to see “Aladdin” a Broadway musical. We Are all excited.

We all send you nice regards from the city that never sleeps.

Gerhard Pichler


















27. September

This morning we were flying out of NYC leaving the Big Apple behind heading from the most influential American metropolis to Buffalo the second largest city in the U.S. state of New York famous for its spicy wings.

We all received a warm welcome by our hosts. All looking forward to attending classes at the Amherst High School and exploring this part of the world.


