Von East Sussex nach Bozen

robyn.jpgAus East Sussex im Süden Englands kommt Robyn Jones, die neue Sprachassistentin der HOB. Die 21-Jährige wird im Rahmen ihres Studiums bis Ende des Schuljahres an der Handelsoberschule und der Lewit Bozen tätig sein.


"Hello! My name is Robyn Jones, I'm 21 and I'm from Uckfield, East Sussex in England. I study French and Italian at the University of Bath and I was sent to the HOB and the LEWIT to be an English language assistant for the school year. This is my first time in Italy and I love the mountains, the people and the food. I don't speak German but everyone at the schools has been very kind to me - I'm here until June so maybe I'll learn the language! In my free time I like to read, listen to music and I sing and dance a lot too. If you see me in the corridor, say hi!"


Robyn mit den Englisch-Fachkollegen in der Bibliothek.