Der 25. November wurde offiziell als "Internationaler Tag gegen Gewalt gegen Frauen" von den Vereinten Nationen festgelegt. Es geht hauptsächlich um das Bewusstsein, dass Frauen Vergewaltigung, häuslicher Gewalt, Femizid und anderen Formen von Gewalt ausgesetzt sind. Emin Dzudzevic (5A-WI) hat dazu einen Artikel in englischer Sprache geschrieben.
25th November: International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
The United Nations’ General Assembly has designated November 25 as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. It is a collective effort to raise awareness around the world that women are subjected to rape, domestic violence, femicide and other forms of violence. In Italy the statistics show that every three days a woman dies because of violence exerted against them, and on top of that,106 women have been killed so far this year, the majority of them at the hands of their partners or former partners.
A case that recently shocked Italy is that of Giulia Cecchettin. The body of Giulia Cecchettin, 22, an engineering student, was found days before her graduation ceremony in a ditch near a lake north of Venice. She had been wrapped in plastic bags and reportedly stabbed multiple times. The discovery came after a week-long search that had gripped the country. Prior to her disappearance, roadside cameras are said to have captured her former partner, Filippo Turetta, hitting her.
But what can be done against such horrific crimes?
Schools can definitely raise awareness among students. Schools can implement educational programs that focus on promoting healthy relationships, communication skills, conflict resolution, and consent. These programs can be integrated into the school curriculum. I am quite sure that last week several teachers had discussions with the students.
Yet most of all,victims should try to get immediate help from dedicated facilities and institutions and possibly speak up against such crimes. In addition, witnesses or friends of victims can and should get active. I think that a law reform that strengthens and enforces laws that protect women from violence would be pretty useful. Last but not least, men’s involvement in this awareness-raising process is quite important, because they can engage other men and boys in initiatives to prevent violence against women and because such deeply-rooted patterns can only be dealt with by society as a whole.
The national emergency helpline is 112 or 1522.
For further information and local help centers you may have a look at the following website:
Women who need help can inform themselves on this website and thus get help.
What happened on Saturday the 25th November in Italy and South-Tyrol?
Many protests against violence against women took place on this day. Protests did not only take place on the streets, but also on football pitches and on social media platforms. One important message was shared by all of the participants: Violence against women must be stopped!
by Emin Dzudzevic, 5A-WI